Value must be either numerical?

185 2024-12-26 14:25

一、Value must be either numerical?



numerical 更趋向于具体的数字,123。

。。digital 有点抽象,如 digital image 更趋向抽象的电子方面吧

三、The English Term for Numerical Control Machine Tools


Numerical Control (NC) machine tools are a significant innovation in the field of manufacturing. They have revolutionized the way we produce goods by automating the machining process. As a result, they have become an essential component of modern factories. In this article, we will explore the English term for "数控机床" and its significance in the manufacturing industry.

English Term for "数控机床"

In English, "数控机床" is commonly referred to as "Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine tools." The term "CNC" reflects the integration of computer technology into the control systems of these machine tools. Through the use of computer programming, CNC machines can perform various machining operations with high precision and efficiency.

Importance of CNC Machine Tools

CNC machine tools have transformed the manufacturing industry in several ways. Firstly, they have significantly improved productivity. With the ability to automate processes, CNC machines can operate continuously for extended periods, resulting in faster production rates and shorter lead times. This increased efficiency reduces production costs and enhances competitiveness in the global market.

Secondly, CNC machines offer unrivaled precision and accuracy. By following pre-programmed instructions, they can execute complex machining operations with minimal errors. This level of precision is crucial in industries such as aerospace and medical, where the smallest deviations can have significant consequences.

Thirdly, CNC machines enable the production of intricate designs and complex shapes. Traditional machine tools often have limitations in terms of the complexity of the parts they can produce. However, CNC machines can create highly detailed components with ease, allowing for greater design flexibility and innovation.

Applications of CNC Machine Tools

CNC machine tools find applications in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, electronics, and more. They can perform a wide range of machining operations, such as milling, turning, drilling, and grinding. Additionally, CNC machines can work with different materials, including metals, plastics, and composites.

In the automotive industry, CNC machines are used for the production of engine components, transmission parts, and body panels. In aerospace, they are utilized in the fabrication of aircraft parts, such as turbine blades and fuselage components. Furthermore, CNC machines play a crucial role in the electronics industry for manufacturing circuit boards, connectors, and other electronic components.


In conclusion, the English term for "数控机床" is "Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine tools." CNC machines have revolutionized the manufacturing industry by improving productivity, precision, and design flexibility. They are widely used in various sectors and have become an indispensable part of modern factories. As technology continues to advance, CNC machines will likely evolve further, fueling progress in the manufacturing industry.

Thank you for reading this article on the English term for CNC machine tools. We hope it has provided you with valuable insights into the significance of these machines in the manufacturing industry.

四、Mastering Numerical Methods in Finance - Free PDF Download


In today's financial industry, the application of numerical methods has become indispensable for various tasks such as pricing derivatives, risk management, and portfolio optimization. The ability to solve complex mathematical models efficiently is a crucial skill for professionals in finance. This article explores the importance of numerical methods in finance and provides a free PDF download guide to mastering these methods.

Why are Numerical Methods Important in Finance?

The financial markets are characterized by uncertainty and complex mathematical models. Traditional analytical methods often fail to provide accurate solutions or are computationally expensive. Numerical methods offer an alternative approach by using algorithms to approximate solutions, making them indispensable in finance. These methods allow practitioners to model and analyze various financial instruments, assess risk, and make informed investment decisions.

Key Numerical Methods in Finance

1. Monte Carlo Simulation: A powerful method for pricing derivatives and calculating risk by simulating numerous random scenarios.

2. Finite Difference Methods: Widely used to solve partial differential equations that arise in option pricing and risk management.

3. Optimization Techniques: Essential for portfolio optimization and calibration of financial models.

4. Binomial Tree Methods: Effective for valuing options with discrete dividends and modeling asset price movements.

5. Fourier Transform Methods: Useful for pricing options in the presence of jumps or stochastic volatility.

Mastering Numerical Methods in Finance: Free PDF Download Guide

To help finance professionals and enthusiasts master numerical methods in finance, we have prepared a comprehensive guide available for free PDF download. This guide covers the essentials of each numerical method mentioned above and provides practical examples and code snippets for implementation. With this guide, you will gain a solid understanding of these methods and be able to apply them confidently to real-world financial problems.


Numerical methods play a vital role in the field of finance, enabling professionals to solve complex mathematical models efficiently. By mastering these methods, you can enhance your analytical skills and make better-informed financial decisions. Download our free PDF guide and embark on a journey to become a proficient practitioner of numerical methods in finance. Thank you for reading!

五、mysql front和mysql?

mysql front :MySQL的GUI工具,就是mysql的可视化操作页面,可以让你像用SQL Server那样创建数据库、表、字段等等的,如果不用这个工具你就必须在doc窗口下写了 mysql:就是数据库啊,不用mysql-front也可以用啊,就是操作不方便 密码,用户名要写的,连接数据库还要用呢 想JSP连接数据库:没有后台代码吗?

六、The Significance of Abacus in Finance: A Tool for Numerical Calculation and Financial Decision Making

The abacus, also known as a counting frame, has been a fundamental tool in finance for centuries. Its importance lies in its ability to perform numerical calculations efficiently and accurately. This article will explore the historical significance of the abacus in finance, its applications in modern financial settings, and how it continues to be relevant in today's digital era.

Historical Background

The abacus originated in ancient Mesopotamia and quickly spread to various civilizations, including ancient China, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. It served as a primary tool for merchants, bankers, and accountants to perform calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The simplicity and effectiveness of the abacus allowed for swift and reliable computations, enabling accurate record-keeping, financial transactions, and budget planning.

Abacus in Modern Finance

Despite the advent of electronic calculators and computerized financial systems, the abacus still holds value in certain financial contexts. In areas where accuracy, simplicity, and speed are essential, such as mental calculations, risk management, and budget analysis, the abacus remains a valuable tool for professionals working in finance. Many financial institutions, including banks and investment firms, continue to use the abacus as a training tool to enhance employees' numerical skills and problem-solving abilities.

The Benefits of Abacus Usage

The use of an abacus in finance offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it promotes mental agility and improves numerical fluency. Regular practice using an abacus helps individuals develop a strong sense of numbers and enhances their ability to perform calculations mentally, which is crucial in financial decision-making processes that require quick and accurate results.

Secondly, the abacus cultivates logical thinking and analytical skills. The process of manipulating beads on an abacus requires sequential thinking and logical reasoning, training users to break down complex financial problems into manageable steps. This analytical mindset is vital for financial analysts, investment strategists, and risk managers who need to evaluate various scenarios and make data-driven decisions.

Thirdly, the abacus fosters concentration and mindfulness. Performing precise calculations on an abacus requires focused attention and concentration. By regularly practicing with an abacus, individuals can enhance their ability to concentrate for extended periods, allowing them to maintain accuracy and reduce errors in financial calculations.

The Abacus in the Digital Era

While the traditional abacus continues to be used in specific financial situations, the digital era has brought new possibilities for its application. Abacus-inspired software and mobile applications have been developed, combining the benefits of the abacus with the convenience and efficiency of digital technology. These digital abacus tools allow for faster calculations, storage of financial data, and integration with other financial systems. They serve as a bridge between traditional calculation methods and modern financial practices, catering to the needs of both traditional abacus enthusiasts and tech-savvy professionals.

In Conclusion

The abacus holds profound historical significance in the field of finance, serving as a foundational tool for numerical calculations and financial decision making. While it may no longer be the primary tool for complex computations in the digital era, its benefits and applications endure. The abacus cultivates mental agility, logical reasoning, and concentration – skills that are essential for success in the financial industry. So, whether you choose to use a traditional abacus or its digital counterparts, embracing the abacus can undoubtedly enhance your financial expertise and contribute to better decision making.

Thank you for reading this article on the significance of the abacus in finance. We hope that it has shed light on the historical importance and ongoing relevance of this ancient tool in the modern financial landscape.

七、Southampton Maths with Finance: Combining Numerical Excellence and Financial Knowledge

Introduction to Southampton Maths with Finance

Southampton Maths with Finance is a highly sought-after program that offers students a unique blend of mathematical expertise and financial knowledge. This interdisciplinary course provides a strong foundation in mathematics while equipping students with the skills and understanding needed to excel in the world of finance.

The Benefits of Studying Southampton Maths with Finance

As the financial industry becomes increasingly data-driven, the demand for professionals with quantitative abilities is on the rise. The Southampton Maths with Finance program prepares students to meet this demand by combining a rigorous mathematics curriculum with specialized courses in finance. Graduates of this program have a competitive advantage in the job market, as they possess both the technical skills of a mathematician and the practical knowledge of a financial expert.

The program also offers students the opportunity to develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills, which are essential for a successful career in finance. Whether it's analyzing market trends, valuing assets, or designing financial models, graduates of Southampton Maths with Finance have the expertise to tackle complex financial challenges with confidence.

Courses and Curriculum Overview

The Southampton Maths with Finance program covers a wide range of topics, including advanced calculus, probability theory, statistical modeling, financial mathematics, and risk management. Students also have the flexibility to choose elective courses that align with their specific interests and career goals. This comprehensive curriculum ensures that graduates are well-rounded in both mathematics and finance, giving them a competitive edge in the job market.

Opportunities for Practical Experience

Southampton Maths with Finance goes beyond theoretical learning by providing students with opportunities for practical experience. The program offers internships with leading financial institutions, allowing students to apply their knowledge and gain real-world insights. These internships not only enhance students' understanding of the financial industry but also provide valuable networking opportunities that can lead to future career prospects.

Career Prospects

Graduates of Southampton Maths with Finance are highly sought after by employers in the finance industry. They are well-equipped to pursue a wide range of career paths, including roles in investment banking, risk analysis, financial consulting, and quantitative research. The strong numerical and analytical skills developed through this program make graduates adaptable to various sectors within the financial industry, ensuring long-term career prospects and opportunities for growth.


Southampton Maths with Finance offers students a valuable opportunity to combine their passion for mathematics with an in-depth understanding of finance. With a comprehensive curriculum, practical experience, and strong career prospects, this program prepares students to excel in the ever-evolving world of finance. Whether you aspire to be an investment banker, risk analyst, or financial consultant, studying Southampton Maths with Finance will equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in your chosen career path.

八、mysql 自学要多久呢?

撰写本文查阅了大量参考资料,也得到很多朋友的指点帮助,特别感谢:Jimmy Yang——阿里云数据库研究员,原Oracle InnoDB Architect.彭立勋——华为云数据库总工程师,MySQL ACE Director,MySQL中国用户组创始成员之一.谭宇——玖章算术首席架构师,原阿里巴巴技术总监,数据库智能运维研发负责人,OceanBase创始团队成员.
























show slave status; # 查看分身(备库)状态
show processlist; #查看当前连接信息,可以看到当前谁在访问我,还可以看到当前运行的慢SQL了
show databases;  #查看数据库列表 
show tables; #查看表列表
show create table t1; #查看表定义 
show grants for user1; #查看用户有哪些权限
show engine innodb status; #查看innodb运行细节,什么死锁、内存信息都在这里了





select * from user 
order by name limit 90,10


select *
    select rownum as rn,
      from user a
     order by name
     where rownum<100
 where rn>90





我家本来在瑞典的MySQL AB,在美国也有一些伙伴。2008年,美国硅谷有个叫SUN的土豪盯上我们家,说要给我们10亿美金发展,家人们没有经得住诱惑,于是我们就搬到SUN的地方。SUN家大业大,他们老大叫SPARC(一种精简指令集CPU架构,和Intel是对头),老二叫Solaris(一种UNIX操作系统,老古董了),还有只赚吆喝不赚钱的Java,虽然家大业大,但总感觉是虚胖,不是一般的虚胖。很快,到2009年,大土豪Oracle前辈用74亿美金把SUN买了,我的天啊,我在SUN家人还没认全,又要搬家了。



MySQL 、MariaDB


我一直在钻研分身术,很早的时候分身只会模仿我的口令行事(Statement模式)。到2008年(V5.1)的时候,我把法术细节(Row模式)传送给她,她就可以自己灵活发挥了。 到2015年,那年我20岁,我也升级到了V5.7,分身更厉害了,以前分身在我非常忙的时候,她有点跟不上,现在我们信息可以并发同步,她已经完全跟上我的节奏。那时业界还流行了JSON(把XML打趴下的),于是我也悄悄的学会JSON,还有那个地理空间技术,都是在我20岁练成的。另外InnoDB也修炼了动态调整内存技能,对内存使用可以像孙悟空的金箍棒一样,说大就大,说小就小。

Oracle一直在给我酝酿V5.8的代号,都要昭告天下了,我感觉自己进步很大,V8更符合我的气质提升,于是2018年,我决定从V5.7摇身变为V8.0代号。MyISAM哥哥实在对不住啊,我感觉要彻底离开你了,V8的我已经和InnoDB全面融合,我的机密小仓库(元数据)都是InnoDB的了。我还学会了窗口函数、CTE语法,可以说在数据分析和复杂SQL处理方面如虎添翼。我正在修炼Hash Join(一种比较高级的算法,前辈们都非常熟练),不过还是初学阶段,大家见笑了。




我也不知道未来会怎么样,那些NoSQL的同行总在挑衅我,包括MongoDB、Redis、Nebula Graph、TDengine等等。最近10年大家都开始搬到云上生活,感觉在Oracle这里很分裂,我们家那朵云好像不温不火。最早家里不让我住到云上,反而AWS、阿里云他们把我当头牌,早早把云上天之一号房间给我,我也给他们赚了上百亿现金,真是投桃报李啊。我是墙里开花墙外香,你懂的。





我的老熟人,名叫「斗战胜佛」,他在我6岁(V3.23)就认识,研究了二十年的数据库和云计算,擅长十几种武功。最近他和一群大牛在研究《玖章算术》,是中国古代一本非常牛逼的武功秘籍,后来李淳风、张苍、刘辉等人都练了并修订过。他们在SQL开发、数据复制、数据备份等方面又有新突破,这些武器都是我非常需要的,毕竟程序猿和DBA是咱衣食父母,说不定哪天可以带我腾云驾雾呢。他的研究进展计划放在 密室,一定要去探探

九、mysql server 和mysql workbench 区别?

MySQL Server和MySQL Workbench是两个相关但不同的概念。下面是从不同角度分析它们的区别:

1. 功能角度

MySQL Server是MySQL数据库服务器软件,提供数据存储、查询、更新和管理等服务。它提供了支持多用户、高并发、高可用等主流数据库功能,为各种类型的应用程序提供数据存储支持,支持多种操作系统平台。

MySQL Workbench是一个图形化的数据库设计和管理工具,提供可视化的接口来方便管理和操作MySQL数据库。它可以用于数据库建模、创建和修改表格、设置用户权限、编写和执行SQL查询、监视服务器状态等。

2. 用途角度

MySQL Server是用于数据存储和管理的核心服务器软件,它是数据库系统中的基础设施。它主要面向的是数据库管理员和开发人员,用于支持应用程序的数据管理和查询。

MySQL Workbench则是一个可选工具,它通过提供可视化界面来方便数据库管理员和开发人员更轻松地管理和操作MySQL数据库。MySQL Workbench主要面向的是数据库管理员和开发人员,用于创建和修改数据库结构、执行和优化查询、监视数据库状态和性能等。

3. 用户角度

MySQL Server主要面向的是数据库管理员和开发人员,他们需要在后台配置、管理和优化数据库服务器,确保数据的安全、可用性和性能。

MySQL Workbench主要面向的是数据库管理员和开发人员,他们需要使用图形化工具来创建、设计和管理数据库结构,执行和优化查询,监视数据库状态和性能等。

4. 技术角度

MySQL Server以服务的形式提供数据库的核心功能,它使用SQL语言对数据进行创建、修改、查询和删除等操作。

MySQL Workbench则是一个基于图形界面的工具,它集成了多种功能,如可视化数据库设计、新建和修改表格、编写和执行SQL语句、监控数据库的资源占用情况,以及导出和导入数据等。

5. 使用场景角度

MySQL Server适用于大型企业或网站,需要存储大量的数据且高并发、高安全性的场景。它提供了强大的数据存储和处理能力,也可以构建分布式数据库系统以满足更大规模的数据存储需求。

MySQL Workbench适用于大多数中小型企业或个人开发者,需要对数据库进行管理和维护,但缺乏专业的数据库管理技术。通过MySQL Workbench,用户可以通过图形化的方式轻松地操作数据库,并减少出错的可能性。

6. 开源性角度

MySQL Server和MySQL Workbench都是开源软件,用户可以通过自由的许可证来修改和分发相关代码。这意味着,用户可以利用开源特性获得更强的安全性和可靠性,并获得大量开发者社区的支持。

7. 可扩展性角度

MySQL Server据有非常好的水平可扩展性和竖直可扩展性,允许用户以多种方式扩展数据库服务器,以满足更高规模的数据存储需求。

MySQL Workbench则只是一个图形界面工具,用户需要通过其他方式更好的实现系统的可扩展性。

总之,MySQL Server和MySQL Workbench两者之间并不是简单的关系,它们不仅有不同的角度,还有各自独特的应用场景和用户需求。针对不同的角度分析,可以更好地帮助用户了解它们之间的差异和优劣势,为数据存储和管理提供更好的解决方案。

十、如何系统学习 MySQL?


本文主要写给那些立志成为MySQL DBA,以及正在学习MySQL的同行们,结合个人及业内其他同行的职业发展经历给大家一些参考,如何成为合格的MySQL DBA。

1、什么是MySQL DBA

首先,DBA是database administrator(数据库管理员)的简称,在一些招聘网站上,也可能会把职位写成数据库[管理]工程师,MySQL DBA是目前互联网企业中最为炙手可热的岗位需求之一,前(钱)景大好,快到碗里来吧。

2、MySQL DBA的职责

传统意义上的DBA基本上只要管好database system就可以,一般无需关注操作系统、硬件、网络、安全、NOSQL等相关技术细节,在一些传统企业或者操作集成商里的ORACLE DBA就是这样的,最多关注到主机(小机为主)及相应的存储设备。

而MySQL一般在互联网业务中使用,MySQL DBA需要关注的方面也相应更多了,主要就是上面提到的主机硬件、OS、网络、安全、NOSQL,以及一些MySQL运维自动化开发(这不奇怪,一个好平台,通常都要自己亲自开发才顺手)的工作。

此外,随着企业规模的变化,可能在公司初期是由一些比较资深的开发工程师负责所有服务器大小事宜,当然也包括MySQL的管理及优化。随着规模的扩大,可能改由运维工程师来负责这些事了。更进一步的话,就开始需要专职的MySQL DBA了,随着业务发展,形成DBA team,同时负责和数据及存储相关的事务,比如存储设备、NOSQL、日志存储&分析,甚至大数据平台。


比较理想的MySQL DBA工作状态应该是这样的:

  • 例如MySQL实例安装、备份&恢复、SLAVE搭建、权限管理、DDL&DML变更上线等基础的工作,通过DB平台鼠标点点点即可完成,大概占用10%的时间;

  • 关键业务的SQL审核也可采用DB平台来完成,尤其是一些常规的SQL规范规则,DDL相对好办,DML可能需要进一步完善的评估,个别SQL再采用人工审核,平时经常和业务部门进行沟通,了解下阶段的业务目标,预估DB端可能需要承载的压力,大概占用20-30%的时间;

  • 通过监控系统来完成可用性及性能监控,发现异常时,再进行人工干预处理,一些容易引发性能问题的常见情景,也可以固化到自动化处理机制中,比如自动探测超过N秒的纯SELECT查询,避免这种慢SQL产生连锁反应,或者自动杀掉一些有SQL注入风险的请求,大概占用10%的时间;

  • 数据库主动优化,一个有丰富经验的DBA,看到数据库的一些现场情况时,一般即可预感到是否需要进一步深入优化工作。而SQL开发规范推送也很重要,可以在开发阶段让程序猿做好基本的SQL优化,这样上线后不会手忙脚乱,反复的出现一些低级SQL性能问题,大概占用20-30%的时间;

  • 其余的时间可以用来充电学习,以及圈内的交流扯淡了,扩展知识面。

3、如何成为MySQL DBA

事实上,MySQL DBA的入门并不难,但若想要成为高级、资深的DBA就有一定难度了。




如果能专注把上面的内容学习完毕,我相信你已经可以成为一个合格的初级MySQL DBA了。接下来就是找到一个合适的工作机会(可以把简历给我,我根据情况可帮忙进行推荐),进行真正的实操,获得正式从业经验。

4、MySQL DBA如何提升

事实上,如果你已经获得了MySQL DBA工作机会之后,如何进行自我提升通常来说已经不需要我来说了,可以参考公司里的同事以及其他同行的提升发展道路模式。



从目前的行业情况来看,MySQL DBA还是个很热门的职位,现在加入还不算晚。除了自学成才外,还可以考虑参加我和吴炳锡合作的“知数堂MySQL DBA实战优化”培训课程,截止目前已经举办了六期两百多名同学,个别优秀学员成功加入支付宝、京东、去哪儿、畅游、美菜网、37游戏等各大互联网公司。


关于MySQL DBA求职面试的一些关键知识点,可以查看我的这篇历史分享:MySQL DBA面试全揭秘。扫描二维码直达(若无“MySQL中文网水印”的二维码请勿打开):



