Free Downloadable Brand Bible Examples in PDF Format

280 2024-12-02 15:13

一、Free Downloadable Brand Bible Examples in PDF Format

A brand bible serves as a comprehensive guide that outlines the essential elements and guidelines for maintaining a consistent and cohesive brand identity. It includes information about the brand's mission, vision, values, logo, color palette, typography, tone of voice, and more. For individuals and businesses looking to create or revamp their brand identity, having access to examples of brand bibles can be extremely helpful.

What is a Brand Bible?

A brand bible, also known as a brand style guide or brand guidelines, is a document that provides a set of rules and instructions for maintaining visual and verbal consistency across all brand touchpoints. It serves as a reference for designers, marketers, and content creators to ensure that the brand's identity is communicated effectively.

The Importance of a Brand Bible

A strong and consistent brand identity is crucial for businesses and organizations. It helps build brand recognition, establishes a sense of trust and credibility, and differentiates the brand from competitors. A brand bible plays a vital role in ensuring consistency by providing clear guidelines and examples for using the brand's visual and verbal elements.

Free Downloadable Brand Bible Examples in PDF Format

If you're looking for examples of brand bibles to guide you in creating your own, we've curated a collection of free downloadable brand bible examples in PDF format. These examples showcase various industries and styles, allowing you to explore different approaches to brand identity. Here are some key features of our brand bible examples:

  • Visual Identity Guidelines: Explore the usage of logos, colors, typography, and imagery to maintain visual consistency.
  • Tone of Voice: Understand how different brands establish their unique voice and tone in their communication.
  • Brand Storytelling: Learn how brands express their values and connect with their target audience through storytelling.
  • Application Examples: See how the brand elements are applied across various marketing collaterals, such as business cards, websites, social media posts, and more.

By studying these brand bible examples, you can gain insights into best practices, discover inspiration for your own brand, and ensure that your brand identity remains consistent across different platforms and mediums.

How to Download the Brand Bible Examples

To download the free brand bible examples in PDF format, simply click on the links provided below:

We hope that these brand bible examples will serve as a valuable resource for you in creating or refining your brand identity. Remember, consistency is key in building a strong brand that resonates with your target audience. Thank you for taking the time to explore these examples, and we wish you the best in your branding journey!

二、access 2013 字段赋值

Access 2013 字段赋值指南

在使用Access 2013创建数据库时,经常会遇到需要给字段赋值的情况。字段赋值是数据库操作中的基础,也是保证数据准确性和完整性的重要步骤。在本篇指南中,我们将探讨如何在Access 2013中进行字段赋值操作,以及一些实用的技巧和注意事项。


字段赋值是指将特定的数值或文本赋予数据库表中的字段。在Access 2013中,您可以使用多种方式进行字段赋值,包括直接输入数值、使用公式计算、引用其他字段的数值等。正确地进行字段赋值可以保证数据的准确性和一致性,让数据库系统更加健壮和可靠。

在Access 2013中如何进行字段赋值

Access 2013提供了直观易用的界面,使得字段赋值操作变得简单而高效。以下是一些常见的字段赋值方法:

  • 直接输入数值: 在表格中,找到要赋值的字段,直接在相应的单元格内输入数值或文本。
  • 使用公式计算: 在字段赋值时,您可以使用内置的函数和公式来进行计算,例如求和、平均值等。
  • 引用其他字段的数值: 在某些情况下,您可能需要将一个字段的数值赋值给另一个字段,可以通过设置字段属性或使用查询来实现。



  • 数据类型匹配: 确保赋值的数据类型与目标字段的数据类型一致,避免因数据类型不匹配而导致的错误。
  • 数据完整性: 在赋值前,检查数据的完整性和准确性,确保数据符合预期的要求。
  • 批量赋值: 当需要对大量数据进行赋值时,考虑使用批量赋值操作,提高效率并减少出错的可能性。





字段赋值是数据库操作中不可或缺的一部分,正确地进行字段赋值可以保证数据的准确性和完整性,提升数据库系统的性能和稳定性。在Access 2013中,我们可以通过简单直观的操作,实现各种字段赋值需求,为业务管理和数据分析提供强大的支持。

希望本文对您了解Access 2013中的字段赋值有所帮助,祝您在数据库操作中取得更多成功!

三、10 Inspiring Brand Bible Examples: Free PDF Download Included


Building a strong and cohesive brand is crucial for any business or organization. A brand bible, also known as a brand style guide or brand book, is a comprehensive document that outlines the guidelines and standards for using a brand's visual and verbal elements. It serves as a reference for designers, marketers, and content creators to maintain consistency and authenticity across all brand touchpoints.

Why Brand Bibles Are Important

With the increasing competition in the market, a well-defined brand identity has become a necessity. A brand bible plays a vital role in ensuring that everyone involved in brand communication understands and follows the established guidelines. It helps in building brand recognition, creating a memorable brand experience, and fostering brand loyalty.

10 Inspiring Brand Bible Examples

To illustrate the power and effectiveness of brand bibles, we have curated 10 inspiring examples from various industries. These examples showcase the creativity, attention to detail, and consistency that can be achieved through a well-crafted brand bible. Each example comes with a free PDF download, allowing you to explore the brand guidelines in more detail.

1. Apple

Apple, known for its minimalist and elegant design, has an equally impressive brand bible. The document highlights the use of whitespace, sleek typography, and recognizable product imagery to create a cohesive brand experience. Download the Apple brand bible here.

2. Nike

Nike's brand bible reflects the spirit of their iconic "Just Do It" campaign. From the bold typography to the dynamic imagery, the guidelines embody the brand's core values of inspiration, determination, and athleticism. Download the Nike brand bible here.

3. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola's brand bible showcases the timeless appeal of their brand. The document emphasizes the use of the iconic red color, the classic Coca-Cola logo, and the joyous brand imagery that has become synonymous with the company. Download the Coca-Cola brand bible here.

4. Google

Google's brand bible exemplifies simplicity and clarity. The guidelines focus on the use of primary colors, crisp typography, and a clean layout. It highlights the importance of maintaining consistency across Google's ever-expanding product ecosystem. Download the Google brand bible here.

5. Airbnb

Airbnb's brand bible reflects the company's commitment to diversity, inclusivity, and belonging. The document showcases the use of vibrant colors, bold patterns, and user-generated content to create a sense of community and shared experiences. Download the Airbnb brand bible here.

6. Adidas

Adidas's brand bible embodies the energy and passion of the sports industry. The guidelines emphasize the use of dynamic typography, innovative graphics, and high-impact visuals to convey the spirit of competition and athleticism. Download the Adidas brand bible here.

7. IBM

IBM's brand bible highlights the company's dedication to innovation, expertise, and trust. The document focuses on the use of clean lines, classic typography, and a sophisticated color palette to convey a sense of professionalism and reliability. Download the IBM brand bible here.

8. McDonald's

McDonald's brand bible showcases the iconic golden arches and the vibrant red and yellow color scheme that has become synonymous with the brand. The guidelines emphasize the importance of consistency in promoting brand recognition and a memorable dining experience. Download the McDonald's brand bible here.


LEGO's brand bible captures the joy and creativity associated with their products. The guidelines highlight the use of playful typography, vivid colors, and iconic brick imagery to create a cohesive and recognizable brand identity. Download the LEGO brand bible here.

10. Starbucks

Starbucks's brand bible reflects the company's commitment to quality, community, and sustainability. The document showcases the use of earthy colors, organic patterns, and the iconic Starbucks logo to create a warm and inviting brand experience. Download the Starbucks brand bible here.


Brand bibles play a crucial role in establishing and maintaining a strong brand identity. By providing clear guidelines and examples, these documents ensure consistency, authenticity, and recognition across all brand touchpoints. Explore the inspiring brand bible examples we've shared and download the PDFs to gain insights into how these successful brands maintain their unique identities. Start building your own brand bible today and unlock the full potential of your brand!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope that the curated examples and free PDF downloads provided will assist you in creating a compelling and consistent brand identity. May your brand journey be filled with success and recognition!






API(Application Programming Interface,应用程序编程接口)是一些预先定义的函数,目的是提供应用程序与开发人员基于某软件或硬件得以访问一组例程的能力,而又无需访问源码,或理解内部工作机制的细节。

API函数包含在Windows系统目录下的动态连接库文件中。Windows API是一套用来控制Windows的各个部件的外观和行为的预先定义的Windows函数。




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这里特别推荐WeekdayName() 函数、MonthName() 函数,将日期转换为中文星期名与月份,如"星期一"、"五月"一、Date() 函数、Now() 函数和 Format() 函数Select Date(), Now();Date() 函数以短日期格式返回当前日期。Now() 函数返回当前日期和时间。 Select Format(Now(), "dd mmmm yyyy");您可以对日期值使用 Format() 函数来指定要用于该日期的日期格式。此示例查询以长日期格式 (01 December 2003) 返回当前日期。 二、Day() 函数、WeekDay() 函数、Month() 函数和 Year() 函数Select HireDate, Day(HireDate) AS Day,Weekday(HireDate) AS WeekDay,Month(HireDate) AS Month, Year(HireDate) AS Year FROM Employees;此查询可从“雇员”表中返回每个雇员的雇用日期、雇用日、雇用日是星期几、雇用月份以及雇用年份。请注意,WeekDay() 函数返回一个指示星期几的数值。 三、DatePart() 函数Select *  FROM Employees Where DatePart("yyyy", BirthDate) < 1960;此查询可从“雇员”表中返回出生日期早于 1960 年的所有雇员。DatePart() 函数可用于提取指定日期的各个部分,例如日、月或年。 四、DateDiff() 函数Select EmployeeID, FirstName, BirthDate,DateDiff("yyyy", BirthDate, Date()) AS AgeFROM Employees;


1、操作界面不同 这主要是2013 的界面 都有了很大的变化的缘故 ……

2、高版本的 肯定在一些函数等一系列功能上 有所改进 但是 低版本的还是兼容的……只是高版本的 有一些高级功能 可以比低版本的处理起来更容易些 自己看看2013的新版本介绍吧

3、你具有2003的基础知识 那么在2013中仍然适用,只是操作上会有些不同(比如 新建、设计 等等工具实现方法都是不一样的位置等等)所以 必须要亲自操作2013 否则 当你用2013打开2003的数据库的时候 你要修改设计等等操作 你会感到无从下手……

但是 如果是纯粹的数据库使用操作的话 没什么区别 你原来用2003设计的数据库 使用2013打开的时候 只是在设计、修改等等时候 会感觉到 与2003有很大的差别






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